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Gas Appliance Installation – Meet Regulations & Do It Right

To have a safe commercial kitchen of any size, be it a cafe with one oven or a restaurant with 20. You should be aware of some of the requirements that ensure your premises are safe so you don’t get fined or worse shut down. Although installation of gas appliances MUST be performed by a qualified gas fitter plumber, there are some things you should be aware of to continue their safe operation after they are installed. 

Energy Safe Victoria have released this informative video linked below that explains some of the Australian requirements in a clear easy to visualise manner that we highly recommend any chef or restaurant owner should watch. It’s not winning a Logie but it will give you some important knowledge that will likely be used once you are aware of it.

Click here to visit the ESV website for more information on commercial gas equipment installation

Click here or the full list of technical sheets for gas installation from Energy Safe Victoria. 

A few quick easy things you can check yourself and should be aware of if any change to the kitchen setup is made.

  • All gas appliances must have a bumper on the rear to prevent the appliance from crushing hoses or damaging connections. The bumper must extend beyond the farthest  connection point of the cooking appliance.
  • Gas hoses must be wall mounted & have a minimum floor clearance of 50mm in the hose loop to prevent the hose being rolled-on by the appliance when performing general maintainance and cleaning.
  • For appliances over 20kg, a secure restraint must be fitted that is shorter than the connected gas pipe to prevent the accidental disconnection or breakage of live gas lines.

Commercial Kitchen Gas Installation